Who will fill the Earth with justice and equity is the caliphate of Allah on Earth. He will appoint him as his caliphate at the end of time to establish divine justice on Earth. Muslims unanimously agreed upon the belief in the Imam of the End Times, despite the difference in the matter of his birth, was he born or not? This is part of the question that the research tries to answer, and discusses the formula of the claim of the falsifiers, who doubt the evidence of his existence, and even those who deny his existence at all, without any intellectual or demonstrative evidence, including what the author of the book "Rationalizing Myth" claims, which is devoid of truth. We will mention his claims and respond to them through the analytical approach, adhering to rational and logical controls, and religious texts that support rational reasoning, after we clarify the concepts on which the research is based and analyze them, then we present the claims and respond to them rationally and textually.