Editorial Atheism in its Deceptive Evidence

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Contemporary atheism is defined as an intellectual movement denying the existence of a Creator, and considers matter to be eternal

and that scientific facts support its belief. It can be said that atheism, in the sense of denying the existence of Allah (Almighty), was not a prominent phenomenon in ancient history, but rather, what was prevalent 
was the exact opposite, I mean polytheism and the belief in multiple 
gods, and that those who denied the Creator were a small 
number of individuals, and they did not form a reliable group.
However, the spread of polytheism instead of atheism can be attributed to the incompatibility of atheism with common sense. While polytheism is due to man’s many doubts, and the confusion between what is divine and what is not. In addition, many Western studies that investigated ancient religions did not differentiate, perhaps they deliberately did not differentiate between the terms: God (meaning the Creator) and Lord (meaning the Master) in the texts or the drawings they analyzed. I do not think we need to return to the various texts of ancient religions that spoke of one Creator God, placing Him at the top of the pyramid of “gods,” while they made “gods” for natural phenomena and their power's elements, although we believe that they meant lords, not gods. The Holy Qur’an referred to this fact in the Almighty’s saying: {and if you ask them: "Who has created the heavens and the earth," they will certainly say: "Allah."} [Al-Zumar: 38]. The Qur’an also referred to examples of these polytheists from the sect of the "Dehriyyun", and mentioned some of their controversy. Allah Almighty said: {and they say: There is not but our worldly life; we die and live, and nothing destroys us except time. And they have of that no knowledge; they are only assuming.} [Al-Jathiya: 24]. In the modern era, the first atheists began to identify themselves using the word “atheist” in the 18th century during the Age of Enlightenment. It can be said that the first explicit book on atheism was "The System of Nature" by the materialist philosopher "Baron Döllbach" (d: 1789). The phenomenon of atheism began to take a clearer form in Western thinking, especially at the end of the nineteenth century and then the twentieth century.


Eitiqad magazine, for theological studies and philosophy of religion, is a peer-reviewed quarterly magazine, issued by the “Baratha Center for Studies and Research” in Beirut and Bagdad. It is concerned with studies related to theology, beliefs, and philosophy of religion. It aims to implement criticism in issues related to these fields, and to establish them from a rational and Islamic standpoint.
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